Vice President of Starlink Commercial Sales
Jonathan Hofeller Vice President of Starlink Commercial Sales Jonathan Hofeller is SpaceX’s Vice President of Starlink Commercial Sales. In this role, he leads the sales and creation of the company’s Starlink business and enterprise service products. In addition to providing broadband to consumers, the demand for connectivity applies to nearly all businesses and its Hofeller’s charter to determine how to best serve these markets. Hofeller also leads the creation and development of Starlink’s charitable efforts, a program designed to bring connectivity to economically challenged areas around the globe through a network of benefactors. Hofeller joined SpaceX in 2007 and previously led the company’s commercial launch and private human spaceflight endeavors, successfully expanding SpaceX’s customer base across the globe, originating its rideshare program, and spearheading its entrance into the private astronaut sector.
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